Happy 12th Birthday, Pluto!
I'm alive and well, though a bit worn, thank you! What better way to return to the blogosphere than to post some new pictures of our favorite dog, Pluto, who is turning 12 right about now, born mid-August 1995 in rural San Antonio, Texas, and has travelled a long way since then. He remains lively and active and is often mistaken for a dog half his age (I hope that's true of me when I get into my 70s, except for the dog part).
About as natural a pose as he's ever struck on-camera.
Humbly and gratefully receiving an ear rub. That's Your's Truly, with
the Town Church in the background.
About as natural a pose as he's ever struck on-camera.
Humbly and gratefully receiving an ear rub. That's Your's Truly, with
the Town Church in the background.