The Euphemist

Reflections on Jewish Studies and many other subjects big and little, by a perpetual student who sometimes searches a little too long for just the right word ...

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Location: Minnesota, United States

Christian, truth seeker, husband, son, brother & uncle, Lutheran pastor, musician (cello, etc.), Jewish Studies grad student, intellectual historian, aquarium enthusiast & pet owner, philologist, astronomer, Norwegian-American, Ford pickup driver, buffoon.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Big Sigh of Relief #72

No, pot was not an ingredient used in the incense burned in the Tabernacle. I trust Prof. Ed Cook to know what he's talking about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't laugh. The "pot theory" has been bandied about quite a bit - generally to justify sacramental cannabis use. In an earlier time, I probably would have been among its champions (but I hasten to point out that it is only possible to advocate this theory if you are ignorant of how to correctly exegete Scripture). This is the best write-up I have seen on why the theory is false.

3:40 PM  

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